Coaching for Improved Performance
6 Critical Success Factors!
What makes for successful Performance Coaching? Is it about the
coach – their skills and qualities? Is it about the client – their
commitment to the process and desire to improve or change?
No more Excuses
Are you getting in your own way? Are you making excuses for not taking action? It takes courage and honesty to admit we make excuses, even though we ALL do it... While making excuses can be a good thing, it also undermines our confidence in ourselves - and life itself. Remember awareness is power. S...
Coaching Assessment
What do you understand as coaching? Briefly describe the main aspects.
World Class Coaching Competencies
The following core coaching competencies were developed, in discussion with other international bodies, to support greater understanding about the skills and approaches required within today's coaching profession. They will also support you in your Continuing Professional Development as you decide o...